brandmark brand

For the lve

Passion for brand design & typography

Hello, I'm Lennart

branding & design guru

As a young boy I already had a passion to create, draw, design things. From self made posters to my own brandmark. After my education at the Graphic School Amsterdam, I followed further studies at the Academy for Art Direction & Design. Afterwards I worked at various agencies as an Art- and Creative Director. In recent years I have taken my passion to build brands and make brands stronger.

Lennart Koopman
brandmark brand

The details 
are not the details.

They make the design.

Charles Eames

The Process

Creating a
strong Brand.


Coming up with a name is closely linked to the mission, vision and core values ​​because it reflects the identity of an entity. A well-thought-out name reinforce its goals.


A well-thought-out logo in various dimensions is essential because it is the visual representation of a brand, making it instantly recognizable for the audience.

Fonts & colors

The right font and use of colors are essential for a company because they establish the tone of voice of the brand and evoke emotions in the audience.

Brand guide

Consistently implementing the logo in various communications strengthens the brand identity and increases recognisability among the public.

from sketch to brand

Watch this short stop-motion of the fases in logo design.

abut me

35 years of

With my experience at medium-sized and large companies, I am an asset to any agency.
I love to share my experience with colleagues.

out of the
box ideas

My creativity never sleeps. During the day I absorb ideas, process them in my sleep and create them the next day. It’s a 24/7 ongoing process.

strive for

I have worked with the duckbill pen (please google). Perfection has been always been there. Every line or vectorpoint has to fit perfectly like a puzzle.

Made with passin

Sport Connecting Facilities
Latest work
Tesalux Bath & Sanitary facilities
Intures Enginering
Creative Design
Hopman Real Estate
KUUK Infra
Telephone & Telecom provider

Seen enough?

Dn’t be afraid
give me a call


2004 - Present


After years of working for all kinds of agencies, I had created my own working methods and ideas and felt that I had to put them into practice. Together with a companion, we started SWAT, Strategy, Branding and Design. Two young dogs in an attic room. Ultimately, we were able to serve great clients: RTL Nederland, Unique Uitzendbureau, Vereniging Eigen Huis and many others. 

2004 - Present


Art Director at M&M Communication Group (now Sixtyseven). Rediscovering my true passion: creating brands. The translation of the briefing into a successful presentation of a new identity gave me a boost to further develop myself in this area. Logo designs for Crown van Gelder (Second largest paper factory in the Netherlands) and Housing Association Pré Wonen are on my list of achievements.


Ende­mol inter­active

As the internet took off, EGD decided to set up a separate internet branch: Endemol Interactive. Big Brother was hot and happening, and internet voting was on the doorstep. I decided to join Endemol Interactive to develop myself in the online field. As an UX designer we worked on several media portals.


Ende­mol design Group

After 1,5 year Curaçao and Aruba I returned to the Netherlands and found me a job at Endemol Design Group (EDG). Pitching a winning concept of a storyboard for Chicago the Musical, in front of Joop van der Ende (Media giant) was one of my great achievements. I created several Brand Identities for Musicals such as Chicago, Saturday Night Fever and 42nd Street.


Cream Curaçao

As a junior Art director, I found my perfect job. In the Caribbean, with clients such as Amstel Beer, Beatrix Airport, I worked with my Senior Art Director on Major projects for the Island. 


Amstel Adver­tising

As I was promoted to Graphic Designer, I created my first concepts and pitching these to key accounts. Internet came up, diving into the bits and bytes. 


HCI reclame

My first job as a junior designer. In a small team, I worked on primarily the automotive sector. A-point (Amsterdam) was my key-account. Design of Magazines (SKODA), mailings (Annual Zalm party) and brochures.



Strategy • Concepts • Storyboards • Branding • Logo design • Web design • Creative design • Stationary • UX design • Print • advertising • Signing • Packaging • WordPress • Hosting • microsoft 365

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